10 Easy Questions and 10 Tougher Ones Regarding the SPP
February 12, 2008
This fact sheet on the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) is intended to be an introductory primer on these secretive and anti-democratic tri-national discussions involving Canada, Mexico and the U.S. It consists of twenty questions unravelling what the SPP is actually about and who wins and who loses.
This document has been produced by the Mexican Research Centre CIEPAC, and was timed originally for the August 2007 SPP Summit in Montebello, Quebec. It has been updated to Feb 1st, 2008 with some support for the English translation coming from Global Exchange. CIEPAC is a member of the Mexican Action Network on Free Trade (RMALC) that is a sister network to Common Frontiers-Canada.
With the next SPP Summit involving the three Heads of State scheduled for New Orleans on April 21-22, 2008 – now is a critical moment for citizens from Canada, Mexico and the U.S. to gain a deeper understanding of the crucially important decisions that are being taken behind the public’s back. These 20 questions on the SPP will get you started. You can read the document online at CIEPAC’s website or download a version suitable for printing.
– Read it online here
– Download a hi-res .pdf (5.5 MB) – Requires Acrobat Reader
– Download a low-res .pdf (644 kb)