Building solidarity with Hondurans – Exposing Oppressive Canadian Investment

Feb 21, 2014 7 – 9pm
Beit Zatoun – 612 Markham St, Toronto
Light refreshments served

Join us for a night of discussion, reflection and video screening about Canada’s role in the current social, political and human rights crisis facing Hondurans. Elections observers who witnessed the recent presidential elections will share their experiences and findings and report back on the messages heard by impacted communities they visited. Join us and join the call for solidarity with Honduras!

A raffle will be held in support of MISN and sales of BeeHive collective posters will go towards Bertha Oliva of the Committee of Relatives of the Detained and Disappeared in Honduras (COFADEH) and their upcoming Canadian tour.

Raul Burbano, Common Frontiers Program Director

Guest speakers (members of delegation):
Bob Lovelace – Member or the delegation, and former chief of the Ardoch Algonquin First Nations.
Monica Gutierrez, community organizer with Mining Injustice Solidarity Network
and more mining solidarity special guests to be confirmed shortly!

More information:
The Canada-Handuras FTA was signed on Nov 5, 2013 “amid political repression, increasing militarization, and controversial Canadian investment in the Central American nation… Controversial Canadian mining, sweatshop, and tourism sectors also stand to benefit from investment protection measures” (Sandra Cuffe, Upside Down World)

In Nov, 2013, a Canadian-based delegation of elections observers met with communities and groups impacted by Canadian investment in mining, maquiladoras and the mega tourism sector. Organized communities and human rights defenders have sent a clear message that the current situation in Honduras is one of increasing oppression, impunity and human rights violations. Many face perilous conditions, such as Bertha Oliva, General Coordinator of COFADEH who has said: “I think we live in a dictatorship without precedents, worse than in the 80′s”.