Monday, 5 February 2018
1:30 PM to 5:00 PM (EST)
Common Frontiers in collaboration with CERLAC-York University, TLC-OISE, Gindin Chair-Ryerson and the Toronto and York District Labour Council co-sponsored a one-day conference on October 15th, 2006 called “Out from Under: Shifting Forces in Latin America”.
Canada, embarked on a rightward political path under a newly elected minority Conservative government, appears to be out of sync with, and largely unaware of, the leftward political path that electorates in several South American countries have chosen to follow.
The idea for this event arose out of concern that the changes happening in Latin America were not receiving a particularly positive reception or understanding in Canada. Popular sector leadership from Bolivia, Brazil, Venezuela, and Argentina came to Toronto to talk directly with Canadian activists and community leaders and provide first-hand experiences in bringing about social change. They described many novel and concrete initiatives being taken in our hemisphere that all point to the feasibility of creating a process of integration that builds on each country’s strengths.
This October 15 event was also key to knowledge building for a Canadian delegation that will be heading to Santa Cruz, Bolivia, for the December 5-10 Social Summit for the Integration of the Peoples.
Canada may never be able to ignore its US neighbour, but we are now presented with a unique opportunity to join other countries in the Americas in forging new trade and social links that will foster decent employment opportunities and promote a different model of development.
– Read the full report and a list of participants at the conference
– View photos from the conference (credit to Louise Casselman)