Beats 4 Peace: A Cultural Event

To bring attention to the situation in Latin America and the Caribbean we are throwing a solidarity party – Beats 4 Peace a cultural event at on Sunday July 30th from 6-10 pm at Luanda House. The themes of the show are Peace, sovereignty, and democracy in Venezuela, Brazil, and Colombia. For more information see Facebook event here.

Join us for an evening of art, music, poetry and dance weaving together different themes into an interactive cultural show of solidarity. Music will includes Brazilian artists, Zeca Polina and Mari Palhares, Mohammad Ali @socialisthiphop, Pablo & Ernesto Latin American musicians, Dj siez swift, and many more artists.

A decade ago a tide of progressive governments, defying Washington and its neoliberal polices took power across Latin American and the Caribbean through democratic means. Today that tide is receding and Latin America …is shifting towards more conservative neoliberal governments closely linked to Washington. This has led to an increased militarization of the region, support for right-wing coups and return to neoliberal austerity policies.

In Brazil the senate approved neoliberal labour reforms never before seen on the continent that seek to push back workers’ rights for generations. These policies are being imposed through state violence as the Armed Forces were recently used to repress massive street protests clamoring for the resignation of defacto president, Temer.

In Colombia months after signing a historic peace agreement and the FARC rebels turning in all their weapons yet paramilitarism and violence against social movement leaders is on the rise . More than 156 social leaders were killed in the past 14 months. The United Nations said Colombia’s government was undermining the country’s peace process by failing to release imprisoned FARC members and protect disarmed guerrillas as promised.

In Venezuela, U.S imperialism aligned with violent local elites are trying to overthrow the democratically elected government of Nicolas Maduro. For the past three months the opposition have undertaken constant and violent street protests that have resulted in the deaths of over 100 people. The international media with its biased coverage of the conflict in Venezuela is fueling a possible civil war. The Chavistas have responded with a proposal for peace, through a democratic and participatory Constituent Assembly.

On July 30th Venezuelans will elected representatives to help write a new constitution that will determine the path forward for their country.

Fora Temer!
Constituyente por la Paz y por la Vida!
Peace with social justice!