Blackfire adding threats to injury in Mexico

Feb 22, 2010

Canadian mining firm looks to pocket $800 million via NAFTA Ch. 11

OTTAWA and TORONTO–A coalition of Canadian organizations is condemning the use of NAFTA by Blackfire Explorations to extract 800 million dollars from the impoverished Mexican state of Chiapas. The Calgary-based mining company is embroiled in accusations of corruption of Mexican public officials and the murder of a prominent environmental activist in the Mexican State of Chiapas. Now, according to a recent report in the Mexican press, Blackfire is also threatening to sue the government of Chiapas for $800 million in compensation under NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) Chapter 11 for the closure of its barite mine in December 2009.

In response to this development, Rick Arnold of Common Frontiers states, “You’d think that Blackfire, mired as it is in controversy, would seek to mend fences with the affected communities in Chiapas by offering compensation. Instead the company is proceeding to bully Mexican public authorities by threatening a mega-million dollar NAFTA Ch. 11 action that the country could ill afford to pay”.