Find out how this came to be, what affected communities from Colombia think about it, and what people are doing to stop it.
Join us on June 17th at 6:30pm at 338 Somerset St. W (Canadian Federation of Students), when we present the findings of “Extraction Casino: Mining companies gambling with Latin American lives and sovereignty through international arbitration”
The event will include presentations from the following experts from the United States and Colombia on the extent and impact of ISDS Settlement disputes on Latin American countries and their communities.
– Carla Garcia Zendejas
Senior Attorney and Director, People, Land & Resources Program, Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL)
– Luis Jesus Gamboa Barajas
Lawyer and founding member of the Colombian “Committee for the Defense of Water and the Santurban Paramos”
– Manuel Perez Rocha
Project Director and Associate Fellow, Institute for Policy Studies – Global Economy
– Hernan Morantes Avendaño
Legal advisor to the “Committee for the Defense of Water and the Santurban Paramos”
The event is free and open to the public. Please share widely.
Thank you to the sponsors of this event:
- Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL)
- Common Frontiers
- CUPE 4600
- Institute for Policy Studies
- Inter Pares
- MiningWatch Canada
- Public Service Alliance of Canada
- Steelworkers Humanity Fund
- Trade Justice Network