Protests are organized in 58 cities around the world for Friday to protest against the mass killing of Colombia’s human rights defenders.

July 24, 2019

Protests are organized in 58 cities around the world for Friday to protest against the mass killing of Colombia’s human rights defenders.

The protests are the initiative of Defendamos la Paz, a group of human rights organizations, pro-peace politicians and victim organizations dedicated to promoting peace in Colombia, and the implantation of a peace deal with former FARC rebels in particular.

According to the Ombudsman’s Office, 479 community leaders and human rights defenders were assassinated between 2016, the year in which Colombia’s peace process began in Colombia, and the end of April this year.

With these protests, Defendamos la Paz wishes to “express a national cry to end the systematic assassinations of leaders and social leaders in the country.”

Colombians around the world will be taking part in protests too.

Protests around the world

Athens, Greece | 5PM | Acropolis.

Berlin, Germany | 3:30PM | March from Dorothea-Schlegel-platz to Colombian Embassy

Bern, Switzerland | 18PM | Protest in Bahnhofplatz Bern.

Brussels, Belgium | 5PM | Carrefour de l’Europe 2

Buenos Aires, Argentina | 4PM | Obelisco

Elche, Spain | 11AM | City Council


Frankfurt, Germany | 6PM | In front of the Euro monument

The Hague, Netherlands | 4PM | International Criminal Court

London, United Kingdom | 4PM | BBC London Meeting Point

Lyon, France | 6PM | Plaza Bellecour

Madrid, Spain | 7PM | Plant El Retiro park entrance of the door of Alcalá.

Mexico City, Mexico | 7:00 pm | Plantón in The Angel of Independence.

Minneapolis, United States | 5PM | Encounter at 3702 E Lake Street Copal 2nd floor.

Montevideo, Uruguay | 6PM | Municipal Palace.

Montreal, Canada | 5PM | Consulate of Colombia.

Munich, Germany | 5PM | Max-Joseph-Platz

New York City, United States | 6PM | Washington Square Park

Ottawa, Canada | 5PM | Parliament

Quebec, Canada | 5PM | Atrium of the Church of San Roche

Rome, Italy | 7PM | Piazza Santa Maria di Loreto

Santiago de Chile, Chile | 6:30PM | Plaza de Armas

Toronto, Canada | 6PM | Matt Cohen Park.

Valencia, Spain | 7:30PM | Plaza de la Virgen.

Washington DC, United States | 5:30PM | March from Dupont Circle Subway Exit, Q St & Connecticut Ave, NW

Winnipeg, Canada | 6PM | Canadian Museum for Human Rights.

Protests in Colombia

Bogota DC | 5PM | March from the Center for Memory, Peace and Reconciliation to the Plaza de Bolívar

Armenia, Quindio | 5PM | March from the Parque Fundadores to Plaza Bolívar

Barrancabermeja, Santander | 5PM | Parque Camilo Torres

Barranquilla, Atlantico | 5PM | March from Parque Esthercita Forero to Plaza de la Paz

Bucaramanga, | 5PM | Parque San Pio

Buenaventura | 5PM | Boulevard del Centro

Cali | 5PM | Plazoleta San Francisco

Cartagena | 5PM | Plaza de la Paz

Cienaga | 5PM | Plaza de las Martires

Duitama | 6PM | Parque de los Libertadores

Florencia | 5PM | March from the University of the Amazon to Santander Park.

Guacari, Valle | 5:00 pm | Parque principal

Jamundi, Valle | 3:00 pm | Parque principal

Maicao, La Guajira | 5PM | Casa de Cultura

Medellin, Antioquia | 4PM | March from Parque San Antonio to the Memory Museum

Mocoa, Putumayo | 5PM | Parque General Santander

Neiva, Huila | 5PM | Plazoleta de la Alcaldia

Pasto | 3:30PM | March from SIMANA to Parque Nariño.

Pereira, Risaralda | 2PM | March from the Prosecutor’s Office to the Plaza de Bolivar 2

Puerto Libertador | 6PM | March from ESE Divino niño to the main park

Sabana de Torres, Santander | 5PM | Parque principal

San Pedro, Valle| 4:00 pm | Plaza principal

Santa Marta, Magdalena | 5:00 pm | Plaza de Bolivar

Sincelejo, Sucre | 8:30AM | March from Ciledco to Parque Santander

Tierralta. Cordoba | 4PM | March from Plaza de la Bonga to the city hall.

Tumaco, Nariño | 8AM | Cancha San Judas

Tunja, Boyaca | 5PM | March from Plazoleta San Francisco to Plaza de Bolívar.

Valle del Guamuez, Putumayo | 5PM | Parque Principal Los Fundadores de la Hormiga

Valledupar, Cesar | 9AM | March of the Glorieta de la Ceiba to Plaza Alfonso Lopez

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