Reel Activism: Challenging the TPP

Tuesday, April 19, 7 – 9 p.m.
Beit Zatoun, 612 Markham St., Toronto (1 street west of Bathurst TTC, South of Bloor)
$5-10 suggested donation

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a free trade & corporate rights deal among 12 Pacific Rim countries, including Canada. Signed on February 4 2016, member nations now have 2 years to ratify this deal.

Very little of the TPP involves trade. Most of it encompasses issues as diverse as how a government regulates corporate activity, what Crown corporations can & cannot do, how long pharmaceutical patents or copyright terms should be, how the Internet is governed, the sharing of personal information across borders, banking & taxation rules, and when a company or investor should be compensated when environmental or public health policies interfere with profits.

Join us on April 19 to discuss the nature and negative impacts of this mega trade deal agreement. Become engaged in challenging the TPP.
– Raul Burbano, Common Frontiers
– Steven Shrybman, Council of Canadians
– Michael Butler, Council of Canadians, health care campaigner
– Jennifer Chesnut, Council of Canadians London chapter
Hosted by Reel Activism and the Council of Canadians Toronto chapter
Endorsed by Common Frontiers and People’s Climate Movement

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