Common Frontiers is participating in commemorating 5 years since the assassination of our sister Berta Cáceres.

5 years of struggle against impunity and injustice in Honduras, 5 years of challenging immense economic and political powers that try to rob us of the justice that’s in our hands. At the same time, we’ll celebrate 5 years of building bonds of solidarity between comrades in struggle, who have echoed our demand for justice, 5 years of walking alongside Berta’s spirit in the construction of emancipatory processes and autonomy for the people.

After 5 years, and despite the strength of the evidence, the Honduran justice system has not yet prosecuted the Atala Zablah family, intellectual authors of the crime and owners of the DESA company.

That is why for this 5th anniversary we invite you to be part of our global Twitazo for Justice for Berta.

How can you participate? 

As every year you can join our “Twitazo” by taking a picture or recording a video demanding justice for Berta using the following messages:

  • Honduran justice is still in debt. Five years after the crime of #BertaCáceres, the masterminds of the crime, the Atala Zablah family, continue in impunity. The Honduran State refuses to prosecute them.



  • The evidence against Daniel Atala, financial manager of DESA, demonstrates his participation in the persecution, criminalization and attacks that culminated in the murder of #BertaCáceres. He must be prosecuted and tried. The @MPHonduras must act.



  • #5YearsWithBerta 5 years after the crime against #BertaCáceres, her legacy continues to accompany the struggles in defense of life, rivers, territories and the freedom of peoples. 


Remember to tag us on twitter as @COPINHHONDURAS

And don’t forget to tag:

Judiciary of Honduras: @PJdeHonduras

Public Prosecutor’s Office of Honduras: @MP_Hondurasscript

Juan Orlando Hernández: @JuanOrlandoH

Government, Justice and Decentralization: @sgjd_honduras

Secretariat of Human Rights of Honduras: @sedhHonduras

Start time: 

10:00 am Honduras time

1:00 pm Argentina time

5:00 pm European time

11:00 am United States time (GMT-5)