January 10, 2012

The governments negotiating the tpp fta can and must do better. Trade unions demand a seat at the table and an agreement that fully protects the rights of workers producing the goods and services traded in the global economy. The complete text of the joint trade union labor chapter proposal is available online here.

The TPP FTA Unions have prepared four Fact Sheets for more information.To view them, click on the titles below:

Investment Fact Sheet – PDF

Labour Fact Sheet – PDF

Public Health Fact Sheet – PDF

Public Services Fact Sheet – PDF

CETA – top ten reasons why it’s bad for Canada

December 14, 2011

Hey Canada, heard of the CETA yet? No? It’s not surprising!

Once again, our federal and provincial government and business leaders are negotiating a “free trade” deal behind the backs of canadians. This time, it’s called the Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement, or CETA for short. It will change the face of Canada as we know it, and Harper wants to sign it in a hurry – before anyone has a chance to debate it!

Want to know more?

Click on the image at the right to check out the comic book about the issue put together by the Trade Justice Network.

Drop them a note for more information.

The Marmato Gold Dispute

December 7, 2011

Three articles have been produced by ENS (Escuela Nacional Sindical) about the ongoing dispute between the people of Marmato, Caldas, in Colombia, and a mining conglomerate that wants to launch a massive st rip m ine and demolish the village.

The Marmato Gold Dispute Trilogy (PDFfiles)

1 – A return to the colonial period?    -en español

2 –The guacheros:strong and united to defend their work   -en español

3 –“We are not leaving”   -en español

Canada must renegotiate NAFTA now!

Election 2008 fact sheets for activists

Each Sheet can be viewed online, using the HTML link, or downloaded and printed, using the PDF version.

Fact Sheet #1

Who Controls Canada’s Energy Resources?    Download (PDF)    En Francais

Fact Sheet #2

Enough of NAFTA: We need a people-centred trade model     Download (PDF)     En Francais

Fact Sheet #3

Armouring NAFTA: Is that what Canadians want?     Download (PDF)    En Francais

Fact Sheet #4

NAFTA: Manufacturing job loss in Canada    Download (PDF)    En Francais

Fact Sheet #5

Trading Away Canada’s Food Safety    Download (PDF)     En Francais 

10 Questions For Candidates     Download (PDF)

Background Resources for Fact Sheets   Download (PDF)

Fact Sheets (for downloading)

These fact sheets have been prepared to help cut through some of the spin and subterfuge around these important issues. Each document has been prepared in two versions:

4-page .pdf, printable on 8.5×11″ paper (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
2-page .pdf, printable on double-sided 11×17″ paper, which can be folded into a four-page document

Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP)

  • English fact sheets updated March 12, 2008


4-page version (English)               En français

2 page version (English)               En français

Integration by Stealth

4-page version (English)               En français

2 page version (English)               En français

Thinking Outside the Box

4-page version (English)               En français

2 page version (English)               En français

Free Trade at the Crossroads

4-page version (English)               En français

2 page version (English)               En français