Agenda for NAFTA Civil Society Summit

We are excited to finally share with you the completed schedule for the NAFTA Civil Society Summit coming up onthis Friday and Saturday (Sept. 22-23)!

The Trade Justice Network is working together with Common Frontiers, the Council of Canadians, RQIC and other representatives from labour, social justice and civil society groups to organize a Civil Society Summit to coincide with the NAFTA negotiations in Ottawa, beginning Sept. 23. The two-day summit will involve civil society meetings, a public action on Parliament Hill and public education events to discuss: Does NAFTA Serve the Public Interest? We are thrilled to have both politicians and leading civil society figures from Quebec, English-speaking Canada, the US and Mexico joining us for the summit.

Please note that Friday’s events are open to the public, while the Saturday events (civll society strategy meetings and technical workshops) are invite-only.

There is a Facebook event for the Friday events of the summit, which you are encouraged to share widely as well.

-Download a PDF of Friday’s events