Media Newsroom

This site is designed to provide members of the media with timely and accurate information about all aspects of hemispheric trade issues and the Common Frontiers organization.

Here you’ll find copies of current media releases, background information on important issues, an introduction to Common Frontiers and its members and articles about CF that have appeared in the media.

Our Latest Media Release:

The Peoples’ Social Forum

The Peoples’ Social Forum The countdown is on until the Peoples’ Social Forum in Ottawa from August 21 to 24. But surprisingly, one of the organizers can hardly wait until the event – a historic gathering of social movements and Indigenous peoples – is over and done...

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The Peoples’ Social Forum

The Peoples’ Social Forum 1) Who and what organisations/groups are involved in building the Peoples Social Forum? Raul: Those involved in organising include community groups, racialized communities, Indigenous nations, labour, NGOs, students, workers from across...

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Colombia In The Shadow Of Human Rights Abuses


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